The Sound of Pursuit
This is the official podcast of Pursuit Magazine, an online community of private investigators, journalists, and truth-seekers of all stripes. In the podcast, we explore information sources, share tradecraft tips, and discuss ways to integrate new technology with old-school gumshoe know-how. We dig into myths about PI work and hear hard-won lessons from the field. And for the spy-curious outsider, we offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of real spies and PIs. We CAN handle the truth.
The Sound of Pursuit
Investigating Civil Cases
Lawsuits are war. There's a lot of money at stake. These are often big, complex cases with a lot of moving parts, involving far-flung witnesses and deep-dive research. Pursuit editor Hal Humphreys and Boston PI John Nardizzi talk about how to work cases like toxic torts, harassment cases, medical malpractice, and wrongful death suits.
Hal Humphreys ("The Beard") and John Nardizzi ("The Dome") host The Sound of Pursuit podcast each week.
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Pursuit Magazine and PI Education are part of StoryboardEMP, a media and education company in Nashville, TN. Pursuit, a free online magazine for private investigators, explores all things investigative, from gumshoe techniques and surveillance tech to industry news and crime in media. PI Education, its sister brand, provides high-quality online continuing education for licensed PIs. Pursuit and PIed are owned and edited by husband-wife team Hal Humphreys, a PI, and Kim Green, a writer and radio producer.
At this channel, you'll find an archive of briefings and webinars that dive deep into the work and the business of private investigations. Every month, we make more free stuff for you at this channel and PursuitMag, thanks to our generous expert-colleagues who contribute their expertise. And at PI Education, you can dive even deeper into the knowledge pool of this fascinating profession, with quality multimedia courses on dozens of topics. Subscribe to stay up to date!
Pursuit Magazine:
PI Education: